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Adam Masterson 

Adammasterson | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Time Bomb marks the follow-up to Masterson’s 2020 EP, Delayed Fuse, and his influential full-length debut album, One Tale Too Many (2003). Rocking a classic guitar, under tousled hair, and behind vintage shades, Adam Masterson represents a timeless ideal of what a Rockstar should be—yet he does so for a new age Unabashedly embracing old school influences as he updates tradition with heaps of spirit and soul, he taps into the kind of magic we yearn for but don’t get enough of. 

Adam Masterson | Spotify

Album review Adam Masterson 

Written by Wanda Ryan 

October 2, 2023 


Time bomb


I absolutely adore this album and the more you listen to it the more you learn about this man’s use of poetry and minimalist finger picking acoustic guitar work augmented by atmospheric arrangements that are almost filmic from a production value perspective.


I've read about the live performances which got critical Acclaim in the likes of Louderthanwar and classic rock  New York, Los Angeles, London and Manchester respectively and each show Who is richer musical texture and spellbinding for anybody who enjoys wordsmith related songs that draw you in and take you down corridors that have more twists and turns of the brands Hatch


Check out the track listing and link to the video. I’m surprised this is not available on vinyl as it does seem like one of those classic albums in the same way as something like A classic album from the likes of Fleetwood Mac, the Allman Brothers, blood sweat and tears and almost comes from the production values of a post modernist Al Kooper


Click here to check out the title track time bomb https://youtu.be/VgrSotmzNJU

which is epic and critically acclaimed by the likes of Louder Than War, classic rock, melody maker online, and 6music 


Didactically opposed to commerce over arts but remaining palatable this album is a keeper and grows on hf listen.


An aural delight  remaining true to the troubadour ethos seamlessly transcends the genres

Adammasterson | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree


Miss it and miss out



1. Time Bomb

2. Bring Back The Freaks 

3. Chains 

4. Take A Little Love 

5. Run Away 

6. Avenue Walk 

7. The Kiss 

8. Wild Wolves 

9. Crazy Rain 

10. Rusty Cans & Dusty Alleys 

11. Cry With No Tears 

12. Leaves Against The Sky